Ken Ra Grandfathering

Over a hundred people gathered on Saturday Aug 14th at Sacred Harvest Festival to honor Ken Ra and his years of passing knowledge.  The event was hosted by Linda Green and an informal circle was cast using the songs “Air Moves Me”, the “Lady’s, Lord’s, and an Ancestor’s Bransle”.

Ken Ra and Liz

Ken Ra and Liz

Over a Hundred People Attended, 42 drove down especially for this event!

Several gifts were given in appreciation of Ken’s service, including an inspired painting of Ken at the magical forge by Linda Green, and a large steel disk with a cut out tree image and the Triskellion symbol presented by Lodge Yggdrasill. Participants were given a  cut out steel leaf to write their name upon. Added to the tree these leaves represented the many fruits Ken’s teaching had helped following down the path of his students.

Ken’s current students were introduced and a break for songs by Murphy’s Midnight Rounders, offered were;  “One Voice”,  and “Hymn to Her”.

Linda Green

Linda Green next to the Triskellion-Tree steel disk

The ceremony continued with a procession of the scores of Ken’s symbolic children, Grand children, and Great Grand children. The groups and individuals who have benefited by descent from his teachings.  Nearly each person spoke words of thanks, praise, and recognition; some loudly and some with intimacy. Among groups represented were: The Coven of the Standing Stones, Iris Glenn, Iris Dawn, Lodge Yggdrasil,Circle of Phoenix, Shades of Gray, Elemental Synergy, Circle of Dragons, and Temple of Eros.

Besides his rich teaching legacy, Ken was recognized for his strong support of Pagan civil rights and the environment, with his hands, words, and dollars.

Pat Taylor

Pat Taylor leads farewell song "Walk with Wisdom"

The ceremony concluded with the song “Walk with wisdom” composed and led by Pat Taylor;
“Walk with wisdom, from this sacred place
Walk not in sorrow, our roots shall er’ embrace
Let strength be your brother, and honour be your friend
And luck be your lover, until we meet again. “

Ken Ra blesses Feast

Ken Ra blesses Feast

After a brief time of assembly, Ken blessed the feast. An immense pot luck ensued as Murphy’s Midnight Rounders performed on stage. …and then the rain came!
Many stayed under the shelter to hear the concert, feast, and have personal moments with Ken and Liz.

It was gratifying to see the years of service and teaching of Ken Ra recognized.

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